How Distributing a Quality Press Release can Boost Business Sales Tenfold
Knowing what makes your product or service sell is one thing, but knowing how to write a press release is something completely different. If you're in the know then great, get typing! Yet a lot of business owners talents lie in other areas and hiring a press release writer is a short term commitment that will result in a long term answer.
Online press releases are often quite different to those that you see in the press and other media formats. For starters if you have a story that you're worried is 'not very newsworthy' then that's no problem. With Search Engine Optimized press releases (SEO) which use key words and key phrases to get ranked highly by Google, your news can hit the first page of the World Wide Web's favourite search engine within hours. The first step to getting this kind of exposure is to find an experienced press release writer who has an understanding of the industry, a flawless grasp of the English language and most importantly a flare for web-based press creativity. A great press release writer knows that the most important part of the document is the headline and a snappy, attention grabbing title is of paramount importance.
Without going into the intricate details involved in a press release, you should consider the information that you will give your writer. Basically, choose the most news worthy pieces and any information that you might need to back them up. Provide your contact details as well as some background information on the company and a quote from a member of staff (preferably the manager or CEO).
“Business owners shouldn't worry about providing a quote” says professional press release writer Lucy Wallace, “if you give permission then they can add to and improve what you provide so that it sounds top-notch”.
So if you have some news about your business that you think the world should know then a Press Release could be just what you need. Prepare your information, let your writer know exactly what you want the press release to achieve and you're well on your way to increasing targeted traffic to your website and increased sales for your business.
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