Saturday 8 November 2008

Grippity Great or Grippity Ghastly? (Blog Post)

So it looks like the innovative yet bizarre Grippity back-typing keyboard is almost upon us, in all its terrifyingly weird glory. Is this what the future holds? Bizarre keyboards which require even more effort to use as you have to hold them off the desk? It looks like the answer to that question is yes.

Ok so the keyboard is useful for when you're on the move and perhaps one day it'll be integrated into small-sized laptops for portable functionality. That's where the product will really shine and to be honest, while I might bash it, it's actually a freakin' great idea. The more you look at it the more it grows on you (after that initial shock akin to finding a huge spider next to the toilet of course).

I think what I like about it the most is that it's almost typewriter-esque and a little 1980s. It's almost kitsch before it's even been released (which, by the way, should be in about half a year's time). Yet unfortunately the chances of it being retailed at a price low enough for anyone to bother to buy it straight away are slim. If you love it that much, go for it, but I'm not overly fussed.